143 Contributory Parent visa

Parent immigration is divided into two categories, queuing immigration and fee-paying immigration (Contributory Parent Immigrant Visa). In the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the total quota for parental immigration in the paid category is only 6800. At present, the parental immigration process of the fee-paying category will be heard until May 2017, and the queuing immigration process will be heard until October 2011.

Contributory parent immigration, this type of immigration not only requires the applicant to pay a corresponding security deposit, but also puts forward higher requirements for the applicant’s health.

Types of Contributory Parent Visas (4 Categories):

143 Contributory Parent Immigrant Visa
173 Temporary Contributory Parent Visa
864 Contributory Aged Parent Permanent Resident Visa
884 Contributory Aged Parent Temporary Visa

Note: Elderly parents mean that at least one of the parents is over 65 years old. Only parents who meet this requirement can apply for such immigration in Australia.

Base requirements of Parent Immigrant Visa:

The applicant’s children or other qualified guarantors in Australia are required to guarantee. The guarantor must have lived in Australia legally for a period of time, usually 2 years, and has not left Australia for more than 4 months within these 2 years. However, shorter periods may also be considered if there are compelling and compassionate reasons.

Family member test

All parent immigrant visa applications need to meet the “family member test” criteria. To meet this criterion, the main applicant needs to meet the following criteria:

i) at least half of the applicant’s children and step-children are Australian citizens or permanent residents living in Australia, or

ii) There are more children living permanently in Australia than children living permanently in other countries.

Guarantor’s Requirements

The guarantor must provide a written commitment to provide support, accommodation and financial assistance to the applicant, the applicant’s spouse and dependent family members for the first 2 years of residence in Australia.

  • The guarantor (which can be a guarantor or someone else) provides financial assistance to the applicant, the applicant’s spouse and dependent family members so that they do not need to rely on the government in any form for the next 10 years. Repay any social security payments received on behalf of the applicant, applicant’s spouse or dependent family members during the next 10 years of their residence in Australia
  • The guarantor can only serve as the economic guarantor for at most 2 parents immigrant applicants in his lifetime. A parent immigrant applicant can be guaranteed by up to 3 financial guarantors. If the husband and wife want to sponsor both parents (4 persons) at the same time, it is just that both husband and wife meet the requirements and then sponsor the father and mother respectively. The following is the corresponding relationship between income requirements and the number of people who can guarantee:
Financial guarantor’s family situation and the number of guarantors Income Requirements for Financial Guarantors – 2020 Edition
Single with no children, sponsoring one parent alone $31,911.42
Single with no children, sponsoring two parents alone $47,867.13
Single with one child under 18, sponsoring one parent alone $34,280.27
Single with one child under 18, sponsoring both parents alone $50,235.98
Single with two children under 18, sponsoring one parent alone $36,649.12
Single with two children under 18, sponsoring both parents alone $52,604.83
Have a spouse and no children, and sponsor one parent alone $31,911.42
Have a spouse and no children, and sponsor two parents alone $47,867.13
If you have a spouse and no children, you can sponsor one parent together $47,867.13
If you have a spouse and no children, you must sponsor both parents $63,822.84
If you have a spouse with a child under 18, you will sponsor one parent alone $34,280.27
If you have a spouse with a child under 18, you will sponsor both parents alone $50,235.98
If there is a spouse with a child under 18, they will jointly sponsor one parent $50,235.98
There is a spouse who has a child under 18, and both parents are sponsored together $66,191.69
If you have a spouse with two children under 18, you will sponsor one parent alone $36,649.12
If you have a spouse with two children under 18, you will sponsor both parents alone $52,604.83
If you have a spouse with two children under 18, you will jointly sponsor one parent $52,604.83
If you have a spouse with two children under 18, you will jointly sponsor both parents $68,560.54

Restrictions on simultaneous application by parents:

In principle, the new parent visa no longer allows parents to apply individually. The parent visa must be applied at the same time on the same form.

However, the following conditions can be exempted:

  • the parents are divorced, or
  • One of the father or mother cannot immigrate within 5 years due to public employment.
  • Those who have obtained 143 and 864 categories of permanent resident parents’ contribution permanent residence visas cannot sponsor their spouses for immigration within 5 years from the date of issuance.

Guarantee for children

In general, all types of parental immigrant visas require permanent resident children to have lived in Australia for two years or more. For an international student whose guarantor was once studying in Australia, the previous time of living in Australia can be counted into the above two years. In other words, children who have obtained a permanent residence visa and have studied and lived in Australia as foreign students for at least two years or more can be confirmed as eligible for sponsorship.

Contribution Fee for Contributory Parent Visas : (2020)

Visa category Visa category First stage contribution Second stage contribution
Main applicant Sub-applicant Main applicant Sub-applicant
Queue parents immigration 103 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Elderly queuing up for parents to immigrate 804 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Contributing parent immigration (permanent residence) 143 43,600 43,600 N/A N/A
Contributing Parent Immigration (Temporary) 173 29,130 29,130 19,420 19,420
Paid elderly parents immigration (permanent residence) 864 43,600 43,600 N/A N/A
Paid elderly parents immigration (temporary residence) 884 29,130 29,130 19,420 19,420

Visa Fees for Contributory Parent Visas:

Type of Visa Visa number Domestic/Overseas Main applicant Sub-applicants (over 18)
Queue parents immigration 103 Overseas AUD4,560(2nd 2065) AUD2,280
Elderly queuing up for parents to immigrate 804 Domestic AUD4,560(2nd 2065) AUD2,280
Contributing parent immigration (permanent residence) 143 Overseas AUD4,355 AUD1,465
Contributing Parent Immigration (Temporary) 173 Overseas AUD2,935 AUD1,465
Paid elderly parents immigration (permanent residence) 864 Domestic AUD4,355 AUD2,175
Paid elderly parents immigration (temporary residence) 884 Domestic AUD4,355 AUD2,175
Temporary Parent Visa (3 years) 870 Domestic/Overseas AUD1,050(before $4,000) N/A
Temporary Parent Visa (5 years) 870 Domestic/Overseas AUD1,050(before $9,000) N/A
Tourist visa (1, 3, 5 years) 600 Domestic/Overseas AUD380/AUD150 N/A
Tourist visa (10 years) 600 Overseas AUD1,120 N/A