570 Independent ELICOS Sector visa

Detailed Explanation of 570 Visa for Studying in Australia (Language Course Visa)

Since September 1, 2008, the Australian Immigration Bureau has adjusted the risk level of visa application for some international students. For Chinese students applying for a language 570 visa, the original level 4 very high risk has been adjusted to level 3 general risk. This means that applicants can “do not need IELTS scores, no special academic requirements, no age restrictions, no guarantor restrictions.” Applicants who wish to study a language abroad alone can obtain a 570 language visa in Australia simply and quickly. This also makes up for the current gap that several major English-speaking countries cannot apply for a separate visa for language study.

What is 570 visa?

The Australian 570 visa is a pure language course visa. It is set up for people who are planning to come to Australia to study a language course of no more than 50 weeks. It is a language learning visa and lays a solid language foundation for their future study abroad or employment. Suitable for people with 570 language visa

• Middle and senior managers of enterprises who want to go to Australia to learn English for a short period of time and experience overseas life;

• Working-class children with stable income who cannot meet the financial and language requirements of other visa categories, but hope to gain valuable language learning and foreign work experience through the 570 visa.

• Fresh candidates who want to study in Australia but whose IELTS scores have not been able to meet the requirements, they first go to Australia to learn the language through the 570 visa, and then apply for other types of visas such as undergraduate and taught postgraduate visas, that is, 573 visas, so as to enter Australian universities .

Advantages of 570 visa

• 无需雅思成绩。申请人可以不用提供雅思考试成绩,大大节省了申请人的精力同时也减少了不少压力

• No special academic requirements. Applicants can have a technical secondary school, vocational high school, high school or university education

• No age restrictions. Whether you are a fresh graduate or an in-service employee who has been working for many years, you can apply for this type of visa to study in Australia at any time.

• No guarantor restrictions. Generally, the guarantor for studying abroad is required to be a direct relative within three generations. Australia

570 visa applicants can choose anyone as a guarantor, which provides great convenience for this type of applicants.

• No visa required. Like other visas in Australia, the 570 language visa does not require students to go to the embassy for an interview.

• Wide choice of institutions. There are many Australian universities and language colleges that can accept 570 visas, from Sydney, Melbourne to Perth, Western Australia. In terms of colleges and universities, students can choose world-renowned universities with strong academic atmosphere such as the University of Sydney, or they can choose to teach language courses professional colleges.

• Course length is flexible. Different from other university courses, applicants who study language in Australia alone can freely choose the length of the course, ranging from 5 weeks to 50 weeks. This is very convenient for working staff who choose to go abroad for short-term language learning

• Low cost. Taking 10 weeks of language as an example, the tuition fee to learn a language in Australia is about 3,000 Australian dollars, which is about 10,000 to 20,000 RMB. outstanding performance

• It is legal to work, and foreign students have the right to work no more than 20 hours a week during language learning. This is a very big advantage compared to other countries.

Conditions for 570 visa applicants

Generally speaking, applicants for the 570 visa should preferably have a high school or college degree or above, be under the age of 35, and have certain work experience. What needs to be emphasized here is that the number of years of work experience referred to here is not necessarily very long, but it is best to work related to the English working environment, either on-the-job or off-job. Such applicants often have a very high success rate, because what the Immigration Bureau hopes to see is that after a period of language training in Australia, the applicant’s language skills have improved, and their competitiveness in returning to employment has improved. On the contrary, if it is clearly stated that after finishing the language study, you want to continue to study in Australia to study other courses, your visa will be refused in all likelihood. When the visa officer determines whether the application for studying in Australia is genuine, he will consider the background and personal circumstances of the applicant. For example, the Immigration Bureau requires the applicant’s bank deposit certificate, which can show that there is a consistent deposit history; the applicant’s real estate ownership certificate, or other proof of funds or assets; if the applicant is employed, provide proof of employment and a letter of approval. If the above supplementary materials cannot be provided, the application is likely to be refused or the review time will be increased

570 visa to other visas

In general, when applicants have applied for a language course for more than 40 weeks, they will have the opportunity to transfer to other visa categories in Australia. According to our current processing situation, when the applicant gets the 570 visa, “No further stay” will be marked on the visa page, which means that the applicant cannot transfer to other visas in Australia in the future. Anyway, if there is no “No further stay” on the visa page, and the applicant’s English scores meet the requirements of other visa categories, then the 570 visa transfer in Australia is possible.