573 Higher Education Sector visa

Australia Study573Study visa

Among all Australian student visas, higher education visas (573 visas) account for the largest proportion. Since March 2012, the 573 visa does not need to deposit a security deposit. Unlike other visas, this visa has always been relatively stable, the requirements are becoming simpler and the process is becoming more and more simplified. It is very convenient for students who want to study abroad.


What is Visa 573?

The 573 visa refers to the visa to study higher education in Australia. The so-called higher education includes the following categories: undergraduate degree (including foundation + undergraduate; freshman diploma + undergraduate); associate degree; postgraduate certificate; postgraduate diploma; taught master’s degree.

Suitable for 573 visa group

People who want to receive higher education in Australia after graduating from domestic high school, and obtain foreign education and work experience.


Advantages of 573 visa

  • No special academic requirements. The applicant can be a sophomore in high school or graduated from high school, with technical secondary school, vocational high school, high school or university education
  • No age limit. Whether you are a fresh graduate or an in-service employee who has been working for many years, you can apply for this type of visa to study in Australia at any time.
  • No special academic requireNo visa required. Like other visas in Australia, students are not required to go to the embassy for an interview.ments. The applicant can be a sophomore in high school or graduated from high school, with technical secondary school, vocational high school, high school or university education
  • The choice of schools is plentiful. The institutions that can accept international students are the most.
  • Wide range of course options: undergraduate degree (including preparatory course + undergraduate course; freshman diploma course + undergraduate course); associate degree; postgraduate certificate; postgraduate diploma; taught master’s degree.
  • Language requirements are flexible. Applicants can take the IELTS test or the internal test prepared by the school.
  • You can work legally, 20 hours a week after the course starts, and there is no time limit for working during holidays.
  • Spouses are allowed to accompany them to study, and they can also work 20 hours a week. If the student is studying a master’s program, there is no limit on the working time of the spouse. Note: The spouse can also study courses in Australia for no more than 3 months.
  • The visa process is simple. Most schools can accept SVP electronic signature, which requires fewer materials and simplified procedures compared with other visas.
  • 签证稳定,获签率高。在所有留学签证中所占比例最大,因此非常稳定,SVP签证保证了极高的过签率。
  • The visa process is simple. Most schools can accept SVP electronic signature, which requires fewer materials and simplified procedures compared with other visas.
  • Immigration policies are loose. As long as students have studied in Australia for 2 years (excluding language courses), they can apply for immigration after graduation.

Conditions for 573 visa applicants

For students applying for a 573 visa for the first time, they also need to meet certain academic background requirements. Students must have a high school degree or equivalent, or complete the second year of high school or the equivalent, and go to Australia to study matriculation plus undergraduate. If applicants under the age of 18 do not live with their parents, legal guardians, relatives, or citizens over the age of 18 entrusted by their parents or legal guardians during their study in Australia, the educational institution must provide a statement confirming that the application has been approved during this period. Appropriate arrangements have been made for personal accommodation, services and welfare for overseas students.

573 visa to other visas

The 573 visa can be converted to a 572 visa, and can also be applied for a 485 temporary work visa. Students can apply for a Bridging visa or PR visa after completing the course.