Cathy LIU

Cathy LIU

Chief Consultant of Australia

Master of Marketing, Master of Immigration Law, Monash University, Australia. With nearly 20 years of experience in the industry, adhering to the creed of “integrity-based, knowledge and action”, she has helped tens of thousands of clients realize their dreams of immigrating overseas. Familiar with the Australian education system and immigration law, she is an expert in both “study abroad” and “immigration”. She can design a study abroad immigration plan according to the customer’s tailor-made, integrate various resources, and choose the most suitable college and major for the customer, saving more costs. Especially good at dealing with difficult visa refusal cases.

The consultant said: “Years of working experience have made me realize that professionalism and sincerity are the two magic weapons of the industry. As long as you dedicate your heart, you will get the comfort of customers.”

Mobile: 0433572670


WeChat: jin18664033

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