Parents of Australian citizens or PRs can finally enter the country. Eduglobal Melbourne will teach you how to apply for entry exemption

As the two-shot vaccination rate in Australia gradually approaches 80%, Australia has slowly relaxed travel restrictions. The first is the exemption for international travelers. Some time ago, Australia announced that starting from November 1, parents of Australian adult citizens or PRs can apply for entry exemption to visit their children in Australia. This news was officially updated on the official website of the Immigration Bureau today.


Generally speaking, direct relatives of Australian citizens or PRs, such as spouses, de facto marriage partners, children, and parents, all fall into this category.

If they are in China but already have an Australian visa, they can directly apply for an entry exemption to return to Australia. However, if the relatives do not have an Australian visa, they still need to apply for an Australian visa first, and then apply for an entry exemption to return to Australia after signing.

Eduglobal Melbourne will take you to see how the official website of the Australian Immigration Service guides you to apply for entry exemption:

(1) First, confirm a concept, what is an adult citizen or PR parent?

Answer: Biological parents, legal parents (including adoptive parents), stepparents, parents-in-law, and parents-in-law are all counted as parents of adult citizens or PRs.

(2) Having clarified this concept, let’s see what materials need to be prepared to apply for entry exemption?

Answer: A. Proof of identity of an adult citizen or PR, this can include a citizenship certificate, or a PR IMMI Grant Visa Letter.

B. Proof of the relationship between the exemption applicant and an adult citizen or PR, such as a notarial certificate of kinship or a birth certificate.


Entry Waiver Application Process

Step 1:Click on the application address ( to enter the application page.


Step 2:现在我们一起申请人信息;找到“旅行申请者”,点击下方的Add,输入父母信息。包括基本信息,护照信息,和家庭住址等。图片图片

Step 4:下一步是填写申请人来澳洲的安排,比如怎么来澳洲,来到澳洲后的居住地址信息,联系电话等。图片

Step 5: This part is to fill in the information of the citizens or PRs who guarantee you, including their contact information, home address, etc.image

Step 6:Finally, remember to fill in the passport information of citizens or PRs separately.imageimage

Step 7:上传文件,当填完了所有以上的信息,下面就是开始传送文件了,包括护照,PR下签信,亲属关系证明等等都需要上传哦。点击下方的“Add Attachment”。图片

Step 8:The last step is to click “submit” on the right side of the page to submit.image

It is not difficult to apply for entry exemption, but the procedure is more complicated. People who are not good at English can hand over the application materials to us, which saves time and effort. Of course, you are welcome to refer to our guide to apply by yourself.